Leveraging Social Media Platforms for Brand Awareness

November 9, 2023
Leveraging Social Media Platforms for Brand Awareness

You’ve probably heard the saying, “If it’s not on social media, did it even happen?” Funny, isn’t it? Yet it carries a grain of truth nowadays. Social media has evolved from just posting selfies and pet pictures. It’s now a robust platform for brand-building, recognition, and reaching out to larger audiences. 

The power of social media lies not only in its vastness but also in its ability to engage. Imagine leveraging that for your brand. Sounds enticing, doesn’t it?

Understanding Brand Awareness

Have you ever thought about why you reach for a Coke when you’re thirsty and not just any cola? That’s brand awareness in action. Brand awareness is the level of consumer consciousness about a company. It measures a potential customer’s ability to recognize a brand and associate it with certain products or services.

choosing right social media for your business

Social media websites are not all made equal. Picking the right one for your brand is crucial, just as selecting the right digital marketing strategy is. Speaking of which, if you’re looking to dive deeper into expanding your brand through digital channels, check out our blog on digital marketing strategies for business growth.

1. LinkedIn: The Professional’s Network

LinkedIn, often seen as the ‘suit and tie’ of social media, caters to over 900 million professionals. It’s a place where professionals connect, share their achievements, and learn from one another.

  • B2B Opportunities: LinkedIn has carved its niche primarily among B2B businesses. Through features like “Articles” (once known as LinkedIn Pulse), companies can publish insightful articles, showcase their expertise, create and nurture professional relationships, and even drive organic traffic to their websites. 
  • Company Pages and Showcases: Businesses can create dedicated pages where they can highlight their services, post job openings, and share milestones. This aids in building a strong brand presence on social media.
  • Networking Through Groups: LinkedIn Groups provide a space for professionals from similar industries or interests to share content, ask questions, post and view jobs, and establish themselves as thought leaders.

Use LinkedIn if: You’re a B2B company or professional aiming to network, share industry insights, or target professionals and decision-makers. It’s perfect for showcasing company milestones and thought leadership.

2. Instagram: Showcase Your Brand’s Aesthetics

Instagram, with its billion users, is visually driven. Its audience is eager to consume content that’s both captivating and valuable.

  • Regular Posts: This is the backbone of any Instagram strategy. High-quality images accompanied by engaging captions can significantly boost brand visibility.
  • Instagram Stories: These 24-hour snippets can be used for time-sensitive promotions, behind-the-scenes looks, or quick polls.
  • Reels: With its strong emphasis on imagery and the new Instagram Video feature (a transformation from the former IGTV), brands have the chance to weave engaging visual tales that resonate with over a billion users.
  • Threads: This app, linked to Instagram, lets users share content with a close circle of friends. Brands can use Threads to provide special content to a dedicated audience, helping build stronger relationships and loyalty.

Use Instagram if: Your brand thrives on visual content, like fashion, art, or design. Ideal for businesses that want to tap into a younger demographic and build a visually aesthetic brand presence.

Digi-Tip: For 2023, Instagram favours 3-5 hashtags per post and values keywords in captions. Let the AI match your content to the right audience through relevant wording, not just tags.

3. Facebook: Connect with Diverse Audiences

With over 3 billion monthly active users, Facebook’s reach is unparalleled.

  • Diverse Content: From text posts, photos, and videos to live broadcasts, brands can vary their content to keep the audience engaged.
  • Facebook Groups: These are hubs of active users. Brands can create or join groups that align with their services or values.
  • Facebook Marketplace: An underutilized feature, it offers an opportunity for brands to list products and reach potential customers.

Use Facebook if: You aim to reach a vast and varied audience. With its diverse user base, it’s suitable for almost any business, especially those wanting to create communities or use targeted advertising.

4. X: Engage with Real-time Conversations

X’s strength lies in its real-time feed and the conversations that ensue.

  • Engaging with Trends: Brands can jump into trending topics or use popular hashtags to increase visibility.
  • Polls and AMAs: Engage the audience by conducting polls or hosting AMAs (Ask Me Anything) sessions.
  • Customer Service: A swift response to customer queries or complaints on X can enhance brand reputation.

Use X if: Real-time social media engagement is your goal. It’s great for brands keen on tapping into trends, sharing news, or interacting directly with customers and followers.

5. TikTok: Engage with the Younger Generation

TikTok has seen a meteoric rise, especially among Gen Z.

  • Short Video Format: The platform’s brevity-centric approach means brands need to be creative and concise.
  • Challenges and Trends: Participating in popular challenges or starting one can massively boost brand recognition.
  • Influencer Collaborations: Partnering with TikTok influencers can help in reaching a larger audience swiftly.

Use TikTok if: You’re targeting Gen Z or younger millennials. Brands can use its short video format for creative and viral content, especially if they’re looking to engage a younger demographic in an innovative way.

Using Social Media Advertising

When you’re in the awareness stage of your marketing funnel, it’s crucial to use the right advertising objectives for your paid social media campaigns. In this stage you are aiming for a broad audience reach, opt for the ‘Awareness’ campaign objective and focus on tracking metrics such as impressions, reach, and their costs.
The organic reach on social media can be complemented with paid advertising.

  • Targeted Ads: Social media platforms offer detailed targeting options. Brands can zero in on their desired demographic based on age, interests, location, and more.
  • Retargeting Campaigns: These campaigns target users who have previously interacted with the brand, offering higher conversion rates.
  • A/B Testing: To ensure the maximum ROI, brands can test multiple ad variations to see which one resonates most with the audience.

Maximizing Social Media Reach

Broadening your reach is more than just about posting; it’s about posting right. While consistency is crucial, understanding platform-specific algorithms and user behaviour is equally important. Engage with followers genuinely, respond to comments, and utilize features unique to each platform. And remember, regular refinement based on feedback and analytics is the cornerstone of expanding reach.

Measuring Success on Social Media

Regularly assess the efficacy of your campaigns using platform-native tools and third-party solutions. Keep an eye on engagement rates, click-through ratios, shares and overall brand visibility metrics to understand what’s working and what’s not. And don’t shy away from third-party solutions; sometimes, they offer insights that native tools might miss.

Measuring Success on Social Media with Third-party Tools

Social Media with Third-party Tools
  • Hootsuite: This versatile tool allows you to schedule posts, track social media conversations, and measure performance across multiple platforms.
  • Canva: From engaging infographics to catchy posts, it’s a go-to tool for non-designers to craft professional-looking content.
  • Buffer: Known for its user-friendly interface, Buffer lets you schedule, publish, and analyze all your posts in one place.
  • Sprout Social: Beyond basic analytics, Sprout Social provides in-depth insights and reports to understand your audience better and improve engagement.
  • BuzzSumo: This tool is excellent for content research and tracking, allowing businesses to find the most shared and liked content in their industry.
  • Google Analytics: While not exclusively a social media tool, Google Analytics provides insights into the traffic driven from your social channels to your website, helping to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns in driving tangible results.

Social Media Marketing Strategies to Boost Brand Visibility

  • Consistent Branding: Ensure that your logo, brand colours, and messaging are consistent across all social platforms. This not only looks professional but aids in instant brand recognition.
  • Engaging Content: Curate content that resonates with your audience. Use captivating visuals and compelling copy, and keep up with the latest content trends.
  • Use of Hashtags: Implement relevant and trending hashtags to increase the discoverability of your posts. Custom hashtags can also be created for specific campaigns.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Using influencers for brand promotion who align with your brand values is essential. Their endorsement can introduce your brand to their vast follower base.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Encourage your followers to share content related to your brand. UGC acts as personal recommendations, building trust and authenticity.
  • Run Contests and Giveaways: These can quickly gain traction, increase engagement, and spread brand awareness, especially when participants are encouraged to share or tag friends. Remember the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’? It was not just a random trend, it was an effective social media campaign. It raised massive awareness for ALS research, illustrating the power of a well-executed social media contest.
  • Host Webinars and Live Sessions: Real-time interaction builds trust and showcases your brand’s expertise.
  • Optimize for SEO: Ensure that your social media profiles and content are optimized for search engines. It can drive organic traffic and increase visibility.
  • Engage in Social Listening: Monitor mentions of your brand, respond promptly and engage in discussions related to your industry.
  • Paid Advertisements: Allocate the budget for paid social media ads. Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn offer advanced targeting options to reach a specific audience.

Digi-Tip: Remember that measuring ROI on social media branding is also essential since it ensures you’re not just throwing money into a digital abyss but making investments that bring returns.

You wouldn’t let someone spread false rumours about you, would you? Similarly, brand reputation management on social media ensures that your brand maintains a clean and trusted image online. So, next time try these strategies for boosting brand visibility. 


How can social media be used to create brand awareness?

  • Social media can be utilized to build brand awareness by consistently sharing engaging content, interacting with followers, and leveraging paid advertising to reach a wider audience.

What is the best social platform for brand awareness?

  • The best platform varies based on the target audience. For professionals, it’s LinkedIn. For younger audiences, platforms like TikTok or Instagram might be more effective. It’s essential to know your audience and choose accordingly.

What are two keys to how to leverage your social media to build brand awareness?

  • First, ensure consistent and authentic engagement with your audience. Second, utilize platform-specific features, like Stories on Instagram or Live sessions on Facebook, to connect in real time.

How often should I post on social media for brand awareness?

  • Consistency is key. Depending on the platform and your audience, it can range from multiple times a day to a few times a week. It’s crucial to monitor engagement and adjust accordingly.

Do hashtags really help in increasing brand visibility?

  • Yes, using relevant and trending hashtags can enhance post discoverability and attract a larger audience interested in those topics.
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