How to Optimize Your Business Voice Search for SEO

May 23, 2024
How to Optimize Your Business Voice Search for SEO

Ever have that moment where you just can’t be bothered typing? Then, with a quick “Hey Google” or “Alexa, what’s…” you get the answer you need quickly. That’s the power of voice search optimization. Now, imagine how great you would feel if a customer could discover your business in the same simple way—by just asking their voice assistant about what they need. 

Nearly half of all Americans (around 142 million users in 2022) use voice assistants, and that figure is expected to continue rising, with projections indicating that it will reach 157.1 million by 2026. With such a large and quickly expanding user base, voice search is here to stay.

The issue now is: how to optimize for voice search? Let’s check out the tips on optimizing your business for voice search optimization (SEO).

1. Understand the Voice Search User

The first step to conquering voice search SEO is understanding the user behind the query. Instead of typing short keywords, people ask voice assistants longer questions that sound more like normal talking. Users are probably looking for specific local companies, asking “how-to” questions, or making conversational information requests. The most common questions they ask are weather-related, music, news, and looking for local businesses. 

They are often conducted through devices like Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa. By understanding voice search algorithms, you can understand what keywords you need to use. 

How Does Google Voice Search Work?

  • Activation: The user says “Hey Google” or clicks the mic icon.
  • Speech to Text: Google converts spoken words into text.
  • Query Processing: Interprets the query using natural language processing.
  • Search Execution: Searches the web for relevant information.
  • Answer Retrieval: Selects and formats the best answer.
  • Response Delivery: Converts text back to speech and replies to the user.
  • Learning: The system improves with each interaction.

2. Optimize for Conversational Keywords

Improve voice search for SEO by using conversational keywords. Voice searches are usually spoken in whole phrases, so it’s important to focus on long-tail keywords that seem natural. For instance, optimize for conversational phrases like “What are the best Italian restaurants near me?” rather than just concentrating on keywords like “Italian restaurant.”

For instance, a Boston bakery may choose to focus on voice search terms such as “Where can I find gluten-free bread near me?” rather than using shorter, less specific phrases. For another example, instead of searching for “running shoes,” use “best running shoes for flat free for women.” 

This means concentrating on long-tail keywords, which have a word count of three or more and are intended for specialized markets.

3. Improve Local SEO

Since local information is frequently sought through voice search, local SEO for voice search is a crucial part of your voice search strategy. Make sure the name, address, and phone number (NAP) of your company are the same on all web platforms. To improve exposure, choose local keywords and add your company to Google My Business. Here are voice search optimization tips for local SEO.

  • Optimize Google My Business: This ensures voice search devices accurately relay your business details.
  • Encourage Local Reviews: Higher ratings can lead to voice searches favouring your business.
  • Local Keywords: Match the conversational tone of voice queries with relevant local phrases.
  • Location-Specific Pages: Tailor content for each area you serve to enhance local relevance.
  • Mobile Optimization: Most voice searches are mobile, so fast, mobile-friendly sites are crucial.
  • Structured Data: This helps voice assistants understand and present your business information correctly.
  • Collaborate with Local Influencers: Partner with local micro-influencers for increased brand visibility through reviews and social mentions.
  • Use Location-Specific PPC Ads: Target ads to local searches and include location extensions to display your contact details.
  • Host Local Events: Establish your local expertise by organizing industry-related workshops or webinars.

4. Focus on Featured Snippets

One of the best practices in voice search SEO is focusing on featured snippets. Google often pulls voice search answers from featured snippets — short excerpts shown at the top of Google search results. To target these, structure your content to answer potential questions related to your business directly. Use clear, concise answers and headers to improve your chances of being featured.

5. Boost Mobile Usability and Website Speed

Since mobile devices are the primary means of doing voice searches, it is essential that your website runs quickly and is optimized for mobile devices. This is one of the steps to enhance SEO for voice search. An adaptable design and quick loading times are essential since Google bases its ranking on the mobile version of your website. This is known as mobile-first indexing.

For instance, AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) may be used by a fashion company to ensure that mobile consumers have a smooth experience when they visit their website via voice search results.

6. Create Voice Search-Specific Content

For a voice search-friendly website, develop content specifically for voice search. Use tools like Answer the Public to determine typical questions your audience might ask through voice search. This helps you understand the intent behind their queries.

Create FAQs and blog posts that address these common questions in a conversational tone.

  • FAQs: For instance, a cafe might include “Do you offer gluten-free options?”
  • Blog Posts: A home repair business could write “Steps to Fix a Leaky Faucet” focusing on conversational, actionable advice.

Track your content’s performance through Google Search Console and refine based on the insights gathered, focusing on queries likely used in voice searches.

By focusing on these elements, you create content that not only appeals to voice search users but also stands a better chance of being featured in voice search results.

Digi-Tip: Keep in mind that after adding new content, it’s crucial to do an SEO audit to see if everything is well-optimized for search rankings. 

7. Use Schema Markup

You may add code to your website called schema markup to improve search engines’ comprehension of the content on your pages. It functions as tiny labels, informing search engines about the various sections of your web pages, such as the locations of reviews, phone numbers, and addresses. This helps your site display more useful and visual information in search results (like stars for reviews, or a recipe’s cooking time), which can make it easier for people to choose your site over others.

Adding schema to your local items, events, and company listings will improve your voice search engine ranking.

For instance, a restaurant may use the LocalBusiness schema to assist voice search engines in recognizing its location, hours of operation, and kind of cuisine. This would increase the likelihood that the restaurant will come up when someone searches for “restaurants open now near me.”

8. Track Analytics and Trends in Voice Search

Keep abreast of the most recent voice search trends in 2024, and evaluate your voice search results regularly. You can monitor which searches are bringing traffic to your website and how frequently they appear in voice search results with the use of tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

A home improvement store analyzing voice search data may see a rise in searches for “DIY home office setup ideas” and decide to provide content to address this growing trend.

9. Optimize for Credibility and Security

Since voice searches frequently result in immediate action (such as phoning a company), it is critical to make sure your website looks reliable and secure (HTTPS). To foster trust, provide concise details about your company’s offerings and customer support channels.

On their website, a law firm may highlight safe ways for clients to communicate, enticing prospective customers who use voice search to locate trustworthy legal counsel.

Follow the strategies in our voice search optimization guide, and you’ll be well on your way to optimizing your business for voice.

How to optimize your SEO strategies for voice search? How can you make sure your website is easy to find with voice search? We’re about to explore the world of voice search optimization and show you how to get your business heard by all these voice searchers! Let’s jump in. Contact us today!

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